
Comprehensive Advice to Companies and Individuals.

A multidisciplinary team of experts working with the highest quality, rigour and professionalism.

Asesoramiento Tributario.

Accounting and Taxes.

We manage compliance with tax and accounting obligations to the public administration, either for individuals or companies. Audit of Annual Accounts and Consolidated Annual Accounts.

Administración de Fincas.

Urban Farm and Property Management.

As managers of urban farms we are in charge of managing rural or urban farm’s financial, legal and technical matters necessary for the good maintenance and economic management of the same.

Asesoramiento Laboral.

Personnel Management.

We offer the most complete services in terms of employment advice and work management, completely personalized and adapted to the needs and objectives of each client. We are specialists in payroll administration and personnel management for small and medium-sized companies.

Asesoramiento Mercantil.

Business Advice.

Incorporation of companies, extensions and reductions of capital, drafting and modification of Bylaws, contracting.

Asesoramiento Jurídico.

Legal and Administrative Advice.

As a law firm we offer legal advice to companies, professionals and individuals, which together with the synergies of all areas of our office we get a high quality comprehensive advice.

Vehículos y Licencias de Conducir.

Vehicles and Driver Licenses.

We put at your disposal our Management to satisfy any need you have in the administrative field, offering our service to handle any management in the province of Malaga as in the rest of Spain.